Monday, September 1, 2014

My Blog Title's Interesting Backstory

I got the idea for my blog name through an experience that happened to me in the KCON of 2013. Wow that sounds so historic *imitates grandpa voice*: and that's what happened in the war of Anyways, it was my first year going to KCON (yeah I'm still kinda a kcon newb) and the experience was indescribable. It was my first kpop concert and loved getting to see everyone for the first time ever and I had so many feels♡ By the end of the night though, I was struck with with what some might call bad luck. When we got to the parking lot to head back home, my car wouldn't start T.T I had the idea of jumpstarting my car, but I didn't have any jumpstart cables with me so I went off car to car in search of the cables. I had walked around for a while and it  started to seem like absolutely no one had the cables, but miraculously I finally found a truck who had them and had allowed me to borrow them. They followed me back to my car to help with the cables. As this was happening the person in the car next to me seemed to sense like I was in trouble so he also got out to help. Together we had tried to start up my car, but this ultimately ended up failing, there was a problem with my starter. The point of the whole story is that even though it ended up being 1am in the morning, hours after the concert, these wonderful strangers had stayed to help me until I was able to call for a tow truck even though they too had a long day and a long drive home. I never really consider this as an unfortunate experience because while my situation was looking bleak and it looked like I might be stuck in the middle of nowhere, I was enlightened by these amazingly considerable kpop fans who didn't want to abandon me alone in the middle of the night in Los Angeles. This random act of kindness had inspired me and made me love kpop even more because it allowed me to see how the KPOP community is made up of some really kind-hearted supporters. So I titled my blog random act of Kpop to show what other amazing things kpop can do for people.

If anyone from that night ever possibly reads this THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR RANDOM ACT OF KPOP. ^_^

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