My Life

Hello Everyone! My name is Jennifer Chiem and I am a hardcore fan of Kpop and all things Disney. I'm a big fan of a bunch of different kpop idol groups. SHINee's my ultimate bias though. ;) Anyways, KPOP has helped me get through a lot of stuff and has become my passion, my lifeline, and my inspiration and I hope that I can one day do something great with it. 

How I fell in love with KPOP?: Back then, I had been having a really tough time, you know what with teenage angst and all that, so I went to stay at my friend's house for a little while. She then proceeded to show me the lovely variety show SHINee's HELLO BABY and that's when my love for kpop began. Bada Boom Bada Bing it's as simple as that lol KPOP is a lovely and colorful outlet for whenever you're feeling down.

My other interests: I have so many. I like to bake when I have free time and I usually sing and dance a lot, not very well....but it's a work in progress x3 I'm a huge fan of the show the Walking Dead. I avidly watch the show and I've read and are still reading the comics, which are amazing btw :D Haha I'm really into many different things so I also enjoy watching Once Upon a Time and Legend of Korra, both of which are incredible shows. Some books I loved are the Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner, and The Fault in Our Stars. and so much more. The list could go on forever, but to sum it up basically I just like to love a lot of things, if that makes any sense to anyone. I try to be open-minded and will give anything a chance. Feel free to talk to me about stuff outside of Kpop~ I want this blog to be very interactive, a place where we can gather and talk about our interests together. And I'd be happy to give and receive any recommendations for songs, tv shows...etc. :)