Saturday, May 31, 2014

Why I'm Starting a Blog

This was at the 12th Korea Times Music Festival. I know I'm sitting really far back, but I'm on a poor college student budget D; and I like going to Kpop concerts just for the experience and this was a super fantastic experience. I loved all of the performers, but B1a4 and Exo-M were definitely the highlight of the night for me. B1a4 ending night with "Baby, Goodnight" was simply perfect. The fireworks were a great bonus and being outdoors is really refreshing for a concert. I'm the type of fangirl who loves to enjoy a concert wholeheartedly so usually I'll be jumping up and down, but that's so hard to do when you're indoors. The shear number of people creates so much extra body heat that even when the night deepens I never end up needing a sweater.

Hooray!! My first blog post!!! I would say "Haii everyone," but my audience currently consists of zero people lol so I'll mostly be referring to my computer screen. I started this blog because I'm facing a block in life. I'm having a mid-life crisis at the age of 19! A college crisis??? A mid-college-life crisis??? I'm writing this blog in hopes that by expressing myself in writing, I'll discover more more about what my interests, passions, and life goals are. Anyways, the rest of that rant is for another time. The second reason I have for creating this blog is stated in the title, Random Acts of Kpop. I'll be writing little tidbits here and there to share my concert experiences and opinions/reviews on K-dramas and the like. All the components of the usual Kpop blog. I really really wanna do some free giveaways in the future just because depending on if this ever gets any views ^-^. Korean pop music and the Hallyu wave have, in a way, jerked me out of my comfort bubble and finally sparked something in my life. I'm still a little unsure about where it'll take me, but I'm hoping to figure that all out soon. As for how I got into kpop, that story will be in the My Life tab~ Thanks for reading~

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