Thursday, April 2, 2015

Con/ Concert Season Has ARRIVED!!!

From the Korea Times Music Festival to KCON to many more, Kpop events are coming up and it's time to prepare funds, transportation, cosplay ideas, and so much more. I definitely recommend going to a Kpop concert at least once in your life. My experiences at these events last year were more than phenomenal (seeing SNSD perform with Jessica for the last time EVER before she left was THE best gift of all time) and I cannot wait to see what these events have in store for this year. Hopefully I can attend most of them. I'm definitely low on funds this year and I'm trying to save every penny T.T, but I really would like to see both GOT7 and APINK and all of the other performers at this years' KTMF. BTS is also coming to the United States for their second tour and GOT7 is having a fan meet in San Francisco. All of which costs lots of monies.....>.<

But hey at least there is still time left to prepare and save up. This weekend, I'm thinking of going to WonderCon 2015 as a volunteer, which is not really kpop, it's more of a comicbook convention, but I still can't wait! Sometimes I can find a few kpop cosplayers here and there. I volunteered last year too and it was a blast. The cosplay was obviously AMAZING!!! I'd love to hear if anyone is going to any events and has any innovative ideas for concert funding, or cosplay ideas, or just how you plan to have fun at conventions in general. Please let me know~